Visual Basic 2010 Source Code Samples


The colored museum script. Download Visual Basic Projects with source Code, reports and abstracts .You can use these projects by modifying according to your need of functionality.Visual basic projects basically use oracle database for project implementation. Adobe acrobat x pro.

Visual Basic 2010 Source Code Samples

How to write a visual basic program. Brainscape pro. Visual Basic programs for beginners with examples. How to print a string in visual basic. Below are some examples of visual basic programs. In this tutorial, Will see some basic string operation like how to print string and char in visual basic. Check the visual basic program for mathematical operations. A basic example of using Jason's MP3 Class Module to create an MP3 Player that uses the winmm.dll (Uses Api). This was made using Visual Basic 6.0, but should work with any 32 Bit Visual Basic. Download: MPlay3 hostyle Source code from mPlay3.

Visual Basic Sample Projects

BasicVisual basic source code download

Projects are Implemented using visual basic 6.0 version with Oracle database as back-end.

Bus Ticketing Management System
Super Market Management System Project
Library Management System Project
Computer Institute Management System
Computer Shop Management system
Banking Management System
eBilling System in Visual Basic Project
Paint Brush application
Media Browser using Visual Basic
Calculator using Visual Basic
Text Editor Using Visual Basic
Hospital Management System
Insurance Management System
Airline Reservation System Project
Clinic Management System Project
College Management System Project
Courier Management System Project
Payroll Management System Project
Shoe Shop Management System Project
Railway Ticket Booking System Project
Jewellery Management System
Video Library Management System
Electronic Shop Inventory Project
Visual basic 2010 code samples

Visual Basic Source Code Examples

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