Sql Server Stress Test Tool Free

Description: SQLQueryStress by Adam Machanic is a free tool for SQL Server programmers. It is designed to assist with performance stress testing of T-SQL queries and routines.

Sql-server performance stress-test Resources. MIT License Releases 16. SqlQueryStress-v0.9.7.21 Latest Feb 6, 2016 + 15 releases Packages 0. Subquestioned for SQL Server database stress loading, possibly without test support. To free up some of that hardware. May I open a question about SQL Server database testing tools/techniques or it will be considered a duplicate? To stress test a system to determine if it can support a given load, I'd suggest using SQL SErver 2012's new tool, Distributed Replay1. You can capture or create a load and then dial it up, steps at a time to place greater and greater stress on a system.

Often you'll find yourself logged into a web or application server and need to simply test that you can get to the SQL server you've unsuccessfully been trying to point your app at. Luckily there is a nifty trick built into Windows that allows you to save the day without having to install anything on your box – and it works on both client and server operating systems just as well.

Why would i ever need this?

Your app is having trouble connecting to SQL and you don't know what's wrong.

Is something wrong with your app?

Is it a network or firewall issue?

Is SQL even there…?

The 'so easy it almost can't be true' solution

The guys at Microsoft have baked a SQL Connectivity tool right into Windows with the creation of Microsoft Universal Data Link files (*.UDL) – something designed for another purpose.

Sql Tools For Sql Server

These were designed as a way to save SQL connection data for use in a whole range of applications and are available on pretty much every version of Windows since *eternity*.

They also provide an awesome way to test SQL Connectivity.

To make this work simply follow the bouncing ball:

Create a new file anywhere. For arguments sake create a new Text file on your desktop

Now rename that file and change it's file extension to TestDatabase.udl (take note of the file extension).

SQL Server Performance, Load, Stress And Unit Test Tool

Select 'Yes' when asked if you want to change the file extension.

This will give you a Data Link Editor that allows you to test the connection.

Pretty nifty in times of need!

Download Sql Tools Microsoft


(For the older web developers among us this might remind you of the panel you used for configuring a DSN for your ASP classic app… that's because it's the same panel!)

You Need To Test Your SQL Server!

Image line vst plugin pack. Its like screaming “TEST THE BREAKS ON YOUR CAR!” If you don’t have the tools or know how it is just good advice you can’t follow. I’ve done a TON of benchmarks over the years using every tool imaginable including ones I’ve written myself. There are several barriers to generating a valid repeatable benchmark in your own environment. Lets take a look at the general criteria that I use when testing OLTP systems and the benchmark tools available.

I’ve Been Spoiled

I’m going to come clean. I really like Quest Software’s Benchmark Factory. They have put years of work into the tool set. It is also one of the few database benchmark tools that runs against most major RDBMS platforms. This alone made it my go to tool for a very long time. Also, since it implements most of the TPC Council benchmark specifications when someone asks how I tested I can hand them reams of information on the benchmark in question. TPC also has a well defined metric for determining not just raw performance but a dollar amount to get that performance. The catch is that Benchmark Factory isn’t an apples to apples with the published TPC results. To assume so would be a horrible mistake on your part. If you have ever read through a full disclosure (I read them to my four year old to put him to bed) you know that it would be very difficult for your organization to implement the exact same test on the exact same software without spending some major bucks. I have worked a few projects that were willing to spend the money and bring in a team to implement the testing protocols. If you are talking a project that is going to run say ten million your boss may be willing to spend 100,000 of that to completely test the system before it goes into production. In most cases though, this isn’t the case. Even spending the money on Benchmark Factory may be outside of your budget. So, we turn to free or opensource solutions sometimes we just write our own.

Sql Query Tools Free

Other Options

There are several other options for testing database servers. I’ve use a few over the years. First, I’m limiting this list to those that run on Windows, they may run on other platforms but that isn’t important to me. Secondly, The test setup has to be repeatable. Lastly, there has to be a way to measure performance. In some cases this may be using perfmon(Windows Performance Monitor) or the tool may capture some meaningful metrics.

Database Hammer SQL Server Resource Kit


Not exactly free or cutting edge but was good a putting a load on SQL Server. Even though this is VERY old due to its simplicity it works pretty much on every version of SQL Server from 2000 on. Again, one of the downsides is capturing metrics. The other down side is finding the dang thing. If you have an MSDN subscription you can still download it or you can head over to your local used book store and hope the CD-Rom that came with the book isn’t toast.

Eye On SQL – Load Test

A basic tool to put a database under load. There are no predefined tests and it doesn’t gather more than the most basic metrics. It is simple to use and can be a replacement for something like Database Hammer

Window xp vista theme.

This is a tool I wrote a while back that implements TPC-C. It is in C# so anyone that is familiar can work on the code and peek inside to see how I implemented my version. The down side is it only implements one test, TPC-C. and TPC-C has several limiting factors to it. The one I never liked was all the data generated was random, all of it. If it was a name it was a random string. This leads to a database that effectively has 100% carnality, and is also a very poor choice for testing database compression. My goal was to implement TPC-E, which overcomes all of these issues but is fairly complex and hard to get right. I fell back to Benchmark Factory and never moved forward with this tool.



This is a pretty simple to use tool an has a easy to understand GUI. It supports two benchmarks a TPC-C style OLTP benchmark and a TPC-H style OLTP benchmark. That is also one of the down sides, it only supports two benchmarks and both are a bit long in the tooth. It also supports various flavors of SQL Server, Oracle, MySQL and Postgres. This is a nice little bonus if you are testing like hardware and OS and want to vary the RDBMS. The last bonus for me personally is it is opensource. This means I can look at the code and see how each test is implemented.

DVD Store Database Benchmark

This is a tool I’m currently working on to bridge the gap between TPC-C and TPC-E. It was written in house by Dell and now is developed and maintained by Dell and VMWare. It is more complex than TPC-C but not as complex as TPC-E. It is opensource which was a huge plus for me and allowed me to fork it over at https://github.com/SQLServerIO/DVD-Store-Database-Benchmark and tweak on it to meet my needs. I’ll have a full blog post on this soon explaining the benchmark in detail and what changes I have made to it. It is a staple for testing databases on ESX. It has a standard way for gathering metrics. The load generator is actually in C#. You can also do a full stack test since it will work against a website that is also included in the benchmark. The down side again, is it only implements one benchmark.

Description of the Replay Markup Language (RML) Utilities for SQL Server

This is a tool set that was initially developed in house at Microsoft to test customer scenarios. This is different than the other tools since it is a replay tool. But you can capture metrics and vary your workloads. The big down side is it isn’t easy to use. Also, if you are testing new hardware and don’t have a trace to replay from production you are back to zero.

Sql Load Testing Tool

Paw patrol vector. Apache JMeter

Not a database stress tool in the strictest since of the word but you can use it that way. The upside for JMeter is it will test your whole stack, web servers, middle tiers and database servers. You can use it to drive pretty much anything. Since it is written if Java it runs on Windows. Since there is a JDBC driver for SQL Server you can use it directly to test your database as well. The down sides are also huge. It is written in Java for starters. It is also using the JDBC stack and that can be a limiting factor. It is a significant undertaking to setup as well. I’ve included some links to people that have set it up to test databases and a ASP.NET web site.

Now What?

Well, that is easy, start reading, building and testing. I personally use something like Eye On SQL or Hammerora to do an initial smoke test or break in. Then move over to the more complicated benchmark tools. I have pretty much settled on the DVD Store benchmark for now as my OLTP testing tool. Now I need to find something more up to date than the TPC-H test everyone else has implemented so I can round out with a solid OLAP benchmarking tool. Maybe I’ll write something again!