Emona 101 Trainer Lab Manual

Emona 101 trainer lab manual solutions

  1. Emona Telecoms-trainer 101 Lab Manual Pdf
  • Using the expertise from many years of manufacturing telecommunications teaching equipment, Emona is now offering the Emona Telecoms-Trainer “ETT101”. The ETT-101 is designed for introductory university courses and technical college labs where telecommunication is first introduced. The ETT-101 is a low cost unit to cater to large student numbers who need to gain a ‘hands-on’ appreciation of telecoms theory at a simple, introductory level.
    Building Student Knowledge in Technology is what our equipment is all about, and so the ETT- 101 is also known as ‘BISKIT’, easy to say and easy to use.

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    Compact and Easy For Teachers
    The Emona Telecoms-Trainer 101 (ETT101) is a single board trainer that makes teaching telecommunications much easier for professors in introductory university and technical college courses.
    Completely self contained within a single, low-profile case, the ETT-101 requires only a standard 12V DC plug-pack. Waveforms can be displayed on whatever equipment is available to the student, such as: a standard lab oscilloscope, or a PC-based scope. This dynamic visual approach helps students to see the relationship between modern telecoms methods and the math. Speedbridge mod 1.8.9. The ‘hands-on’ approach builds student confidence and makes the experiment satisfying as the students are free to explore and learn by making mistakes. When they explore more, they learn more.

  • What topics can I teach with the ETT-101?
    • Basic Analog Communications:
    • AM, FM, DSB, SSB, PAM, TDM, PWM, Superheterodyne, Speech in comms, PLL, QAM, SNR CONCEPTS
    • Digital Communications:
    • PCM, PCM-TDM, ASK, BPSK, FSK, GFSK, Eye Patterns, DPSK, QPSK, Spread Spectrum, Line Coding, Delta Modulation, Noise Generation, SNR Concepts, and more
    • All experiments are fully documented, with questions and answer sections fully integrated into the text. Now you have a turn-key solution to teaching your communications program, with the capacity for expansion into the future. Download and print a comprehensive 4 page info sheet about the Emona Telecoms-Trainer 101.
    • The ETT-101 will build the student’s confidence and appreciation for math & theory
  • The ETT-101 Laboratory Manuals (Volumes 1 and 2) provide a turn-key solution for the teacher and student alike.The manuals are specially written to guide students through hands-on experiments and help them grasp the fundamental concepts of telecommunications. Each chapter includes background information which relates the experiment content to real-world applications.

    Since telecommunications text books represent the math and concepts of telecommunications theory as ‘block diagrams’, the ‘101’ Lab Manuals make extensive use of block diagrams throughout. Associated with each block diagram are detailed, step-by-step patching diagrams. Each chapter is carefully paced and constant use is made of questions to verify the student’s understanding and provide feedback to the teacher.

    The ETT-101 User Manual contains brief descriptions of each block function on the unit, its specifications and operating instructions. Students only need refer to this manual upon beginning a course, after which time using the system becomes easy and intuitive.

    ETT-101 LAB MANUAL – Volume 1
    (20 Chapters, 310 pages)
    ETT-101 LAB MANUAL – Volume 2
    (22 Chapters, 456 pages)
    VOLUME 3
    (5 Chapters, 144 pages)
    • Setting-up an Oscilloscope
    • An Introduction to the ETT-101
    • Modelling Equations
    • Amplitude Modulation AM
    • Double Sideband DSB Modulation
    • AM Demodulation
    • DSB Demodulation
    • SSB Modulation & Demodulation
    • FM Modulation
    • FM Demodulation
    • Sampling & Reconstruction
    • PCM Encoding
    • PCM Decoding
    • BW Limiting & Restoring Signals
    • ASK Modulation & Demodulation
    • FSK Modulation & Demodulation
    • BPSK Modulation & Demodulation
    • QPSK Modulation & Demodulation
    • Introduction to Spread Spectrum – DSSS modulation
    • Undersampling in Software Defined Radio
    • AM Method 2 & Product Detection
    • Noise in AM Communications
    • PCM and TDM
    • Armstrongs’ Phase Modulator
    • Phase Division Multiplex
    • Pulse-Width Modulation &Demod
    • Carrier Acquisition using the PLL
    • SNR and Eye Diagrams
    • PCM and SNDR
    • ASK Demod using Product Detect
    • FSK (switching method) &Demod
    • Principles of GFSK
    • PN Spectra and Noise Generation
    • Line Coding and Bit Clock Regen
    • Delta Modulation & Demodulation
    • Delta-Sigma Mod &Demod
    • Observations of AM & DSBSC in the Frequency Domain
    • Principles of superheterodyne
    • Frequency synthesis with digital PLL
    • Differential phase shift keying (DPSK)
    • PAM-time division multiplexing (TDM
    • Full (IQ branch) Demodulation of a QPSK Signal
    • Line Code Decoding and Hard Decision Making
    • DPSK Modulation and Demod with a Noisy Channel
    • FM Demodulation using the Phase-Locked Loop
    • Signal constellation Diagrams
    (11 Chapters, 184 pages)
    (14 Projects, 50 pages total)
    • An Introduction to Fiber Optic Signal Transmission and Reception
    • Guiding Light Using Total Internal Reflection*
    • Losses in Fiber Optic Networks*
    • Polarization*
    • Bending Losses in Fiber Optic Systems *
    • Connectors*
    • PCM-TDM ‘T1’ Implementation
    • Optical Signal Filtering, Splitting & Combining**
    • Fiber Optic Bi-directional Communication**
    • Wave Division Multiplexing (WDM)**
    • Optical Losses**
    • An Introduction to Fiber Optic Signal Transmission and Reception
    • RC Circuits
    • RL Circuits
    • RC & RL Low-Pass Filters
    • RC High -Pass Filters
    • RC & RL Filters, Cut-off Frequency
    • Measuring Filter Roll-off
    • Measuring Filter Phase Response
    • Series & Parallel RLC B-P Filters
    • RLC Band-Stop Filters
    • Effect of Components on Centre Freq. of Band-Pass & Band-Stop Filters
    • Effect of Component Values on Bandwidth of Band-Pass Filters
    • The Hartley Oscillator
    • The Colpitts Oscillator
    • The Clapp Oscillator

    Many Experiments in a Compact System
    Completely self contained within a single, low-profile case, the ETT-101 requires only a standard 12V DC plug-pack.
    The ETT-101 accessories kit includes: 20 x stackable patch cords, User Manual, Digital and Analog Basic Telecommunications Experiments Manuals Volumes-1 & 2, and a 12V plug pack.
    The ETT101 is unrivalled in offering a wide range of over 42 modern communications topics that can be studied with one compact trainer. The key to the ETT101’s versatility is it’s unique block diagram approach for building experiments. By working at the block diagram level, we are able to achieve many experiments in one system.


Emona Telecoms-trainer 101 Lab Manual Pdf

Introduction Background EMONA 101 trainer is a device which helps us as students to understand how each block functions on each of the unit on the board, its specifications and the operating instructions. The block diagram that are shown in textbooks are implemented in real life by the EMONA 101 Trainer. Laboratory Manuals Emona 101 - actualusa.com. Emona DATEx Lab Manual for NI™ ELVIS I and II Volume 2 - Further Experiments in Modern Analog and Digital Telecommunications. Author: Barry Duncan Technical editor: Carlo Manfredini Issue Number: Vol2 issue 1.1 Published by: Emona Instruments Pty Ltd, 78 Parramatta Road Camperdown NSW 2050 AUSTRALIA. Web: www.emona-tims.com.